Friday, December 30, 2011

As promised....

Ok Boys and girls here is the link to the awesome website that will tell you all about the River of Small Stones challenge. I do hope you will give it a peak and stick your toe in the water ;)

So this is new.....

So today I decided to jump on a crazy ban wagon and try something eeryone seems to be doing, well all but me. I started this blog. I guess it will be a cool place for me to share projects I am working on, and my second passion writing. However don't be surprised if you see some crazy things about my awesome pets on here too.
I am starting a challenge for the month of January called  a river of small stones I will share the link and everything with you all. If you love to write, or even if you don't but want a challenge to stop and think and take a moment to observe the world around, I encourage you to join too!!
SO here's to what may be an incredible journey, or what may be just the ramblings of a writer and creative gal..... enjoy