Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mornings in a zoo

As the alarm cries for awakening the house, I soothe its pain and shut it down.
The soft gurgle of the water from tanks creeps slowly into reality.
Chirping and clicking comes from my furry little darling as he asks for his exercise wheel.
Rising I give him what he asks for, then begin the slow task of flipping on the lights.
Its reward, a slow smile from a sleepy gecko. What a happy way to begin the day.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Chaos in quiet moments

The soft lullaby of pan flutes lilting through the air.
Calming and tranquil, the chill of the morning air enough to feel
like you are genuinely greeting the sunrise all alone on this earth.
Doors fling open and yelling and shoving spill through a gateway to the other world.
laughing and teasing chasing away the flutes, the crisp kiss of morning receding from reach.
with a heavy sigh I turn and smile, the children have arrived for class.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Whispers in the snow

The edge of night still grasping the sky
the sun trying to sneak by
the soft whisper of snow falling, caressing all it touches
the early morning can be so intimate and yet so completely lonely. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day one

A new beginning, a new year
it crept up after such a strong an emotional countdown.
Now I sit,  listening to the soft silence of snow falling,
and wonder what to do? What is next?
A soft muzzle jostles me from my ruminations. 
Next, we play ball.